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It can be "realized" because it is full size

Writer: Sannaka-WEST ANNEXSannaka-WEST ANNEX

It can be "realized" because it is full size

There are not a few of you who have actually purchased furniture in your room and have had experiences that were larger or smaller than you thought.

In order to fill the gap between such imagination and reality, Sannaka-West introduced VR (Virtual Reality) following 3D simulation.

By entering the room with special goggles and looking around, 3D images seen on the display screen of the PC can be viewed in full size.

• You can sense the size of the furniture with your hands!

• You can walk and check the aisle width and distance!

• You can feel the impression of color in life-size!

Just looking at the 3D simulation, you could be convinced that it was difficult to pass if you were narrower than this by actually walking, even if you were suspicious.

From now on, you can buy the interior from the room and experience it!

Please use the interior coordination service of San-Naka West where you can actually experience what you imagined in your head and you can now choose a furniture that is more successful.



皆さんの中でも、実際に購入した家具をお部屋に置いてみて、思ったよりも大きかった、小さかったといった経験をした方は少なくないでしょう。 そんな想像と実物のギャップを埋めるべく、サンナカウエストでは3Dシミュレーションに続き、VR(仮想現実)を導入しました。 専用のゴーグルでお部屋の中に入り込んで見て回ることで、PCのディスプレイ画面で見ていた3D映像が、実物大で見ることができるようになります。

· 家具のサイズ感が体感でわかる!

· 通路幅や距離など歩いて確認できる!

· カラーの印象が等身大で感じられる!





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